
Advanced Dynamics Splitter/Wallplate Pro Insert, Ivory (ADSWP2-Ivory)

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Buу 1 gеt 1 Advanced Dynamics Splitter/Wallplate Pro Insert, Ivory (ADSWP2-Ivory)

only with $ 12.00

  • Cable splitter insert without wallplate
  • No connector cable required
  • Bi-directional for HDTV and Internet
  • Flat F-connectors with 1-inch separation
  • Color: Ivory

Product Description

Connect two coaxial devices directly to a single cable signal with the Splitter/Wallplate Pro Insert. Eliminating the need for an external splitter or connector cable, this splitter screws onto your coax cable inside the wall, and then attaches to the wall with the two included screws. Simply add a wallplate (sold separately) to complete the installation. The Splitter/Wallplate Pro is a two-way broadband-ready splitter that can be used for HDTV, satellite dish, and Internet modem/router installations. Designed for professional-grade installations, the insert features the Holland Electronics HFS-2D splitter, which offers bi-directional functionality for HDTV and Internet connections, as well as patented diode-steered power passing to one or all ports. Because fewer connections provide reduced signal loss, the Splitter/Wallplate helps improve signal performance, providing low insertion loss from 5 to 2150 MHz. With a soldered steel back and heavy-duty construction, the Splitter/Wallplate also eliminates signal ingress impairments by shielding against EMI and RFI. CONTENTS: Splitter/Wallplate Pro Insert, (2) Mounting Screws. NOTE: Insert only. Wallplate not included. COLOR: Ivory.

Product information

Suреr Chеар 🛒 Advanced Dynamics Splitter/Wallplate Pro Insert, Ivory (ADSWP2-Ivory)

Suреr Sаlе 🛒 Advanced Dynamics Splitter/Wallplate Pro Insert, Ivory (ADSWP2-Ivory)

Nеw Dеаl Advanced Dynamics Splitter/Wallplate Pro Insert, Ivory (ADSWP2-Ivory)

🛒 Flаѕh Sаlе Advanced Dynamics Splitter/Wallplate Pro Insert, Ivory (ADSWP2-Ivory)

Blасk Frіdау - 70% оƒƒ Advanced Dynamics Splitter/Wallplate Pro Insert, Ivory (ADSWP2-Ivory)

Onе-Dау Sаlе: Uр tо 70% оƒƒ Advanced Dynamics Splitter/Wallplate Pro Insert, Ivory (ADSWP2-Ivory)

Bеѕt Dеаl Advanced Dynamics Splitter/Wallplate Pro Insert, Ivory (ADSWP2-Ivory)

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