
Hоt Dеаlѕ Filterbuy 22x24x1 Air Filter MERV 13, Pleated HVAC AC Furnace Filters (4-Pack, Platinum)

Customer reviews Filterbuy 22x24x1 Air Filter MERV 13, Pleated HVAC AC Furnace Filters (4-Pack, Platinum)

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Brand Filterbuy
Material Synthetic
Item Dimensions LxWxH 21.5 x 23.5 x 0.75 inches
MERV Rating 13.00
Compatible Devices Air Conditioner, Air Cleaner, HVAC System, Furnace

  • 22x24x1 replacement air filters for your furnace, air conditioner, or HVAC system (actual size: 21.50 x 23.50 x 0.75 inches)
  • MERV 13 synthetic media (comparable with MPR 1500-1900 & FPR 10) protects homes optimally by trapping 98% of airborne particles without impacting air flow
  • High-quality construction features an electrostatically charged, pleated design that captures more harmful particles and prolongs the products lifespan by 3 times that of fiberglass models
  • Industrial-grade beverage board frames with dual wire backings outperform standard cardboard designs
  • All components are manufactured within the United States and designed with recyclable materials
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